Contact us

The hospital’s working hours are 08:30 AM -5:00 PM. Outside of these hours the Hospital will be closed. 
Hospital vets will only respond to an emergency call if requested by DOC or an authorised person.

For all enquiries, about the hospital or the charitable trust, please email:

What to do if you find a sick or injured native animal:

  • Immediately call the Department of Conservation (DOC) on 03 477 0677 from 08:30 -17:00 on weekdays. After hours on the DOC Hotline 0800 362 468. You will be asked some questions about the situation and told what to do.

  • DOC will advise The Wildlife Hospital if an injured animal is being transferred to the hospital for treatment. 

  • The hospital’s working hours are 08:30 - 17:00; outside of these hours, the Hospital will be closed. Hospital vets will only respond to an emergency call if requested by DOC or an authorised person.

Calls must be made to DOC. 
The hospital's phone number is not displayed on this website.